Topic: Abbe Buck Public Affairs
HighViz/ABPA sees their strong marketing, research and journalism backgrounds as providing them with an edge over most public relations/marketing communications service providers, This is most particular in the areas of crisis management, public outreach and awareness campaigns.
A "stealth" approach: HVCG/ABPA thrives when a client should need "not for public knowledge" information within non-penetrated [market] areas where they will have a need for their own growth and expansion. We also like to determine different paths that a customer may seek to travel on via "needs analysis" and full strategy audits within public and private sector organizations. We build on several years of research in many areas, both Federal and Commercial to create and implement results-driven business. This leads us to working to market public outreach programs for a variety of target audiences in order to define our own customer's goals. We also initiate intensive press and publicity efforts designed to shape and define image, reputation and leadership position for public and private sector organizations. We have achieved significant results, both in media attention and public responsiveness.
As HVCG/ABPA starts work with each new client, the company works in a "storyboard" process: from the beginning we discover: what goals do they seek to accomplish? What "sequence of events" is vital to get them there? The objectives that we have in this template become part of each organizations backbone, and is continued to be references upon.
Abbe Buck Public Affairs/HighViz Federal: In HighViz's past performance (ten years) within the Federal Government, they have focused their efforts with the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services and other Civilian "service - based" agencies. As Government Agency Laision and seasoned facilitator, Abbe Buck (principal HighViz) has worked with top DC law firms, associations, organizations, foundations, information management and technology offices, and major Fortune 1000 Corporations. Ms Buck has developed a knowledge base of expertise within federal agencies that reached non-profits to all facets of federal contracting including security (NISPOM). Note: Abbe Buck is a Registered Shipley Consultant and has secured $50 MM contracts (ALLIANT) for firms from ASSYST to BearingPoint, Inc.
SERVICES SNAPSHOT: In recent work with top government contractors, HVCG/ABPA has specialized in consulting to contractors whom provided government agencies, law fims, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses, Federal agencies, including Health and Hunman Services, Department of State, Education and the US Army, and prime information technology, (networking products and services). We have then gone a step further to act in a communications "matchmaker", strategic alliance-type-capacity with smaller, but equally reputable companies that seeks to bring their services to market, and will have a healthy effect on the "prime"return on investment within the first year of service.
QUESTIONS? Contact Abbe Buck Public Affairs at 1-800-380-2825